Friday, July 1, 2011


Today my friend Madi came over and we took my dog Daisie on a walk to our friends house when we were walking back it started down pouring and we got soaked Daisie loved jumping in the puddles. I can't believe that only a week ago I was coming home from the hospital to find a bunch of people with balloons in my driveway to support me. I could just make it inside to my couch and today just a week later I walked down the street and am still going to go take my dog on a walk with my dad. I am blessed to be able to have this quick of a recovery from my surgery. The prayers are really helping. I am starting to be able to walk further and further and can now walk all the way around my street when just 3 days ago I was stoping and sitting down when Daisie was not coming. We are going to go do fireworks tonight! YAY! Thanks for the prayers. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ashleigh, that is so great that you have so much more energy! You body must be working so hard to get better each day! We'll keep sending prayers your way. :)
